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Top 10 Easy Ways To Help You Relax

Juggling between responsibilities at home and work can take a toll on anyone’s body and life in general. With almost everything at a record high, keeping up with the various but basic needs is often a challenge, a reason stress is almost inevitable. The need to make more money to cater to your needs, work-related issues, and kids are some of the issues most people face daily. The fast-paced world and unending responsibilities and bills don’t mean you shouldn’t take some time off to relax. Creating a ‘me’ time to relax allows your mind and body to cool off, giving you a better chance to face everyday issues and responsibilities. Your productivity will also improve when you take some time off. You don’t necessarily have to go on a fancy vacation to relax. Outlined below are 10 simple ways that can help you relax.

1. Go For A Swim

Simply put, as little as 30 minutes in the swimming pool is enough to lower your stress levels, depression, and anxiety and contributes to better sleep patterns. Make a habit of going for a swim after every other day for the best results.

2. Listen To Your Favorite Jams

Listening to relaxing music can tremendously affect your body and mind. It triggers a sense of calmness by enabling the brain to produce ‘calming’ waves that help fight anxiety and bring blood pressure down. Create a playlist of your favorite jams and play them on your phone (with earphones on) or your HIFI system and rock to the beats.

3. Meditate

Meditation entails directing your thoughts inwards and focusing on yourself or breathing. You, however, need to find a serene and quiet room/environment to start your meditation sessions. You could also meditate in your bedroom, living room, or office. Consider introducing sweet but relaxing fragrances to the room for a more relaxing session. CBD e-Liquid is a great way to help you on your way to relaxation.

4. Go Outdoors

Stepping outside and breathing fresh air can also help you calm down. This is especially helpful if experiencing brain fog or fatigue. Stepping out and going for a 10-minute walk might be a good-enough distraction to calm your brain muscles.

5. Take Deep Breaths

Taking deep breaths, especially when feeling overwhelmed or depressed, is an excellent way to help the mind relax and calm down. Unknown to many, deep breaths increase oxygen concentration in the bloodstream and, eventually, the brain, thus helping eliminate carbon dioxide. Increased oxygen levels in the blood/brain improve focus and are an excellent way to fight depression.

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6. Visualize

Have you been overwhelmed by work/responsibilities? Close your eyes and recall any good memories you might have had in the past. This can be anything from the simple things that made you laugh to the wonderful times you’ve had with your beloved ones. Visualizing helps push away bad memories and negative energy; hence has an almost similar effect as meditation.

7. Yoga

Yoga has proven to be effective in helping the body and soul relax while improving one’s overall well-being. Anyone can do yoga. All you need is a comfortable space to do yoga. In addition, as few as 20 minutes of yoga has immense benefits for your body.

8. Relax your Jaws

Although you might not know this, jaw tension can be, and is, a huge issue with many office workers (especially those stressed out). Letting your jaw muscles relax for at least 30 seconds can help. You simply need to open your mouth wide while breathing through the nostrils for 30 seconds. Repeat these 3 to 4 times.

9. Take A Powernap

A power nap comes in handy when feeling tired and overwhelmed with work. It allows the brain a few moments of rest, making it easier to rejuvenate and revitalize. A power nap can help you complete tasks that otherwise seemed impossible before.

10. Speak It Out

Allowing stress to build often leads to reduced productivity, performance, and depression. Learning to let it out but sharing with friends and family can however help. Speaking your stresses out eases the load, allowing your mind to relax. All you need is to find a good friend to lend you a listening ear.